
Ahm Brahmaasmi : Parmaatmaa says that He is Brahman/ Divine; The enlightened Wise knows that he is Divine eternal Immortal SpiritSoul, and not body : : an Upanishad Hindu Science reference

Buddhi : Highest Righteous Application of Mind towards Purest Strongest energy .

Buddhi: Right application of Mind. Use of Relevant Tradition, Science and Loftiest mind Towards choices: "Scientific" portion Hindu Values were Wise : focussed upon Gender ( education for all, deity / Reverence  status equally to the Worthy etc) equality, Racial ( equal Opportunity) equality, Respect for all Sentience  and Valuing of Superior intellect ( some humans, birds and animals were regarded as Carriers of egoless Divinity & respected duly). ......... Enoch in Bible was a kind of  Messiah figure ( from what is known in Writ) - since he was Pure Energy & overcame  even physical death -. . . .; his teachings were not preserved ( Teachings were quite necessary towards Continued sanctity);  in alignment with same energy Principles of Enoch / Ten Commandments& Initial Torah work that Regarded all Sentience equally& Appraised (& respected) Higher spiritual Intelligence (Writ : for those needing Written texts Towards guidance), Jesus was manife

Amrtatva: pure and eternal Principles& essence

Spirit soul,  Eternal pure Akin, A pure Mantra energy: imperishable , almost intangible , minimal and yet Whole  SatChitAnanda


According to studies on Sanskrit : Sanskrit introduces and / or  reorders Patterns of the Mind towards Optimum efficiency. Since  ' everything is Energy', the Syllables grammar Basis of Energy in Sanskrit allows for Healthy and enhanced Frequency . The Content is the Methodology also. Sanskrit is Culture and not mere Language. Culture is not necessarily only a Faith system : it could also be a Logical rationale.. .  .it was originally Meditative Ethos that led towards RighteousEnergy ( & not mere words or deeds that involved temporal domains) doing the needful.

Nikatasth : Close to one another; Hearts as One. .Rest in each other's Affection in the Skies, Earth and Waters.
